Dendrio – a Bittnet Group company, joined the APN Partner Program in 2014. At first, Dendrio obtained the Standard partnership level. In 2019, with changing requirements, Dendrio re-certified and met the new requirements for Select Partner Tier. The plans for the next period aim to reach the next threshold by obtaining the Advanced Partner Tier level.

The experience gained during these years includes migration projects, optimization of existing AWS infrastructures and technical support for clients in fields such as: e-commerce, manufacturing, software development and others. The AWS services for which we provide the most technical support to our clients are: Amazon EC2Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)Amazon AuroraAmazon RDSAmazon VPCAWS LambdaAmazon Route 53AWS Direct Connect.

Technical accreditations
Business accreditations
AWS Foundation trained
AWS Certified
Professional Level
Infrastructure design

We build the AWS infrastructure architecture  taking into consideration the desired level of security, performance, necessary resilience, efficiency but also cost optimization. AWS is launching new services and we consider important that the design of the infrastructure should be flexible and updated to benefit the business.

Cloud Adoption Workshop

When a business idea needs a cloud service, it is worth organizing a workshop with all the stakeholders involved to better analyze and understand the consequences and implications of the implementation, as well as the necessary resources and the affected teams.

Migration services

To ensure the necessary and sufficient on-prem infrastructure, a very good estimate of the resources consumed in the next period is needed. To avoid such estimates, AWS provides IaaS and we help you migrate from your current infrastructure to AWS, may it be server migration, database migration or file migration (storage).

Technical support

When an urgent call is needed to a competent technical support team, we can be at the other end of the phone. We can also proactively come up with optimization proposals or you can come to us with different questions about AWS (consulting services).

Knowledge Transfer

Cloud services are built to support different business ideas. Therefore, we consider it important for people to know what tools they might have available to carry out the activity. We organize sessions for different teams such as: business development, acquisitions, legal, management.