Symantec Data-Loss Prevention Cloud services for Emails

Data Protection Loss Prevention Service Symantec Data-Loss Prevention Cloud services for Emails can automatically enable Symantec Information Centric encryption. Sensitive emails and their attachments are protected by persistent encryption and digital rights when sent to third parties. Decryption is enabled through identity and usage permissions may be limited to the selected actions.

  • Persistent encryption and digital rights allow for confidential data sharing;
  • Protection is automatically enabled and follows sensitive emails anywhere;
  • Access based on identity is only allowed to legitimate recipients.
Microsoft Office 365 and Gmail

Symantec extends its data loss prevention capabilities for Microsoft Office 365 and Gmail.

No investment in infrastructure

Data Detection Service and cloud-based administration console – requires zero headquarters infrastructure.

Quickly operate using templates

Get started quickly with a complete library of embedded policy templates and data identifiers.

Automatic and manual fix

Easily manage integrated policy violation investigations that offer both automatic and manual remediation capabilities.

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